目前分類:Life (52)

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同事們聽說我終於要買電腦了, 因為我今年不願意出讓我的員工優惠折扣碼 - employee discount coupon code,  很好奇我會買那個機型,  還有根據我以往在 Marketing 和 Consumer 部門底下的經歷,  他們在想我到底能把價錢殺到多低.

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看來這兩個在美國出生的小華人,  日後能體會到我這一代的成長歷程的機會是不會高,  所以,  打算寫幾篇兒時舊事,   用中文寫,  順便複習一下中文打字,  也刺激一下讓他們好好把中文學好,   以後才看得懂.

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Mitch told me I should be a blogger and I would be a good blogger.
I don't think so -

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剛放下晚上九點開講的電話會議,   心裡還是很不痛快,  因為明天一大早六點半以前要進辦公室開 Video Conference,  還是跟同一批人. 

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It was on clearance at Target, and it caught my eyes when I first spotted it.
I didn't buy it right away, but after what just happened in the past few days, I went back and got it.

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They said, I am empathy.
I scared them sometime.

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I am so so so sorry....
I did not know.

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What's the definition of growing up ? Being physically tall, heavy, or strong ?

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More than often, people claim we have to have hope and dream to live a full life.

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The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back.
That is real glory.

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Death, is just another adventure.

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