
Life is full  of injustice.

People cheat, people get away for cheating, people even get praised for cheating behaviors !

Since when, cheating becomes justified ? Even legit ?

A guy who cheated on his girl friend, even claimed it's his right to cheat ?

A guy can move from one company to another, saying he can deliver all things, but before he could even deliver anything, he just leaves for another big pay out ?

For those of us that stay and being good, it's like a slap on the face, because we don't know how to cheat, we get the worse deal ever, always being stepped on, always clean up after those cheaters, liars !

Where is justice ? Does justice ever exist ?

Until when, the good, the loyal, the true, will win out ? Or never ?

If ever, then why on earth are we teaching our children to be good, be loyal and be true ? To train them to be another crop of abused - ready ?

This world has gone insane, and it's so hard, to keep one centered and sane.

    創作者 minerval 的頭像

    生命之旅 - Life as a journey....

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