人生是一條路, 有起點, 有終點.
有人的路長, 有人的路短;
有人一直走寬廣平順大道, 有人一直遇上斷壁懸崖;
有人是一路孤行, 有人是一窩蜂裏的一隻;
經過樹的時候, 停一下, 仰頭看樹上有什麼, 閉上眼想想之前曾經停歇過的樹.
不管別人怎麼看妳, 妳要能自己面對鏡子時能正視自己的昨夕今日.
外面可以狂風暴雨, 自己要能閉上眼睛看到滿天星空.
Learn a skill, that you can be good at, earn a living to support yourself and perhaps help others.
Find a habit, that can calm your mind and it's for you and for you alone.
Never mix your skill with your habit.
Before you can feed and shelter yourself, everything else is a fantasy.
Only those who are grounded, survive.
You can't live, if you don't survive first.
You are your best cheerleader.
Cheer yourself, when the world turns their back on you.