這星期我人又是星期一一大早飛到 Richmond, VA.
昨天星期二, 安安參加的游泳學校, 自從她畢業後, 今年加入游泳隊, 每個星期被教練操.
我看了一兩次, 每一班, 十幾二十個小鬼, 45 分鐘來來回回不停地游. 同一級, 有八九個班. 每星期, 同一階層的教練群會挑一個 Swimmer of the Week, 在每週新聞提.
安安是這一周的 Swimmer of the Week.
我不管別人怎麼說, 我的小女兒的認真努力, 能讓教練在上百個游泳隊員裡注意到, 看到她的成就, 拿出來提, 我這做母親的不是老王賣瓜自賣自誇, 小朋友的成就就是值得被稱讚拍手.
這是她努力的成功掌聲, her accomplishment and I am proud to be her mother.
以下是教練的稱讚辭 - ( 我拿掉 last name 的 spelling )
這個學校的游泳隊, 已經在區域比賽拿了不少第一名, 看來今年會有隊員穿上 USA 的制服去 London Olympic.
It's great, to have a goal, to work on, to achieve, to be recognized for the hard work you have put in.
昨天星期二, 安安參加的游泳學校, 自從她畢業後, 今年加入游泳隊, 每個星期被教練操.
我看了一兩次, 每一班, 十幾二十個小鬼, 45 分鐘來來回回不停地游. 同一級, 有八九個班. 每星期, 同一階層的教練群會挑一個 Swimmer of the Week, 在每週新聞提.
安安是這一周的 Swimmer of the Week.
我不管別人怎麼說, 我的小女兒的認真努力, 能讓教練在上百個游泳隊員裡注意到, 看到她的成就, 拿出來提, 我這做母親的不是老王賣瓜自賣自誇, 小朋友的成就就是值得被稱讚拍手.
這是她努力的成功掌聲, her accomplishment and I am proud to be her mother.
以下是教練的稱讚辭 - ( 我拿掉 last name 的 spelling )
Swimmers of the Week 3-12-12
Intro to Nitro
Cedar Park:Annabelle XXXX - Annabelle is newer to Intro to Nitro still and she has no idea how great she is! Each new concept we learn she questions and before she has even made it all the way across the pool she has already got it down! This past week we introduced the breaststroke underwater pull out a.k.a. the 3, 2, and 1. It's a trickier concept for any beginning swimmer because there is so much to be thinking about, all underwater and no breathing. Annabelle took the challenge head on and rocked it from the get go. She was also a big help to a new swimmer who was very unsure of the whole thing. Annabelle you rock!!!
這個學校的游泳隊, 已經在區域比賽拿了不少第一名, 看來今年會有隊員穿上 USA 的制服去 London Olympic.
It's great, to have a goal, to work on, to achieve, to be recognized for the hard work you have put in.